The One Where Mercury Was In Retrograde w/ Kambria Davis

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Insights on Personal Growth, Astrology, and Community Healing with Kambria Davis

In this engaging podcast episode, the hosts are joined by Kambria Davis, the founder of KAYA Kommunity, to explore her journey from being a district manager in retail to delving into real estate, and eventually finding her calling in astrology and community healing. They discuss the significance of women’s college basketball and how being an athlete has impacted Kambria’s life. Throughout the conversation, Kambria shares how facing rejection and criticism as an athlete has equipped her with a resilient mentality beneficial in all aspects of life. They also cover her transition from retail to founding Kaya Community, emphasizing the importance of energy work, astrology, and embracing one’s feminine energy for personal growth and healing. The discussion further delves into the impact of astrological events such as Mercury Retrograde and eclipse seasons on personal and communal energy, offering listeners advice on navigating these times with patience and reflection. Additionally, the episode highlights an upcoming event at Daybreak Harmon’s and teases the launch of a new website for further engagement with the community.


#PodcastLife #WomenEmpowerment #MercuryRetrograde #SelfDiscovery #InspirationalStories #PersonalGrowth #Astrology #Mindfulness #TransformationJourney #CommunityBuilding


Title: Embracing Change and Trusting the Universe: A Conversation with Kambria Davis

In the latest episode of our show, we had the pleasure of welcoming Kambria Davis, the founder of Kaya Kommunity, for a heartwarming and profound conversation that spanned from athletics to astrology, and from personal transformation to the power of community.

### Finding One’s True Path

Kambria Davis shared her incredible journey of personal and professional transformation. Starting out as a district manager in retail, leading a high-stress life, and then making the daring leap into real estate, her story is one of courage and self-discovery. But the real turning point came when she embraced spirituality and energy work, leading her to found Kaya Community – a sanctuary for healing and personal growth.

### The Athlete’s Mentality

Our conversation also explored how being an athlete shaped Kambria’s life. The discipline, resilience, and the constant pursuit of improvement inherent to athletics played a crucial role in her personal development. These attributes not only helped her navigate the challenges of her career transitions but also imbued her with the strength to embrace new beginnings.

### Stepping into Energy Work and Astrology

Kambria took us through her foray into energy work, detailing her first experience with Reiki. This marked the start of a transformative journey, one which would eventually lead to her exploring astrology, sound healing, and conducting women’s healing day events. Kambria explained how astrology, particularly understanding the impacts of Mercury Retrograde and Eclipse seasons, emphasizes the importance of reflection, reassessment, and patience.

### The Founding of Kaya Kommunity

The foundation of Kaya Kommunity was not just a spur of the moment decision, but a culmination of Kambria’s experiences, growth, and the realization of her purpose. The name ‘KAYA’, meaning home or resting place in different cultures, perfectly encapsulates her vision – a space where individuals can come as they are, to heal, learn, and grow.

### Embracing the Cosmic Rhythms

Kambria discussed the significance of being in tune with cosmic events, such as Mercury Retrograde and the Eclipse season, and how these periods can serve as a reminder to slow down, reflect, and reassess our paths. She emphasized the transformative potential these times hold, urging listeners to embrace these cycles as opportunities for growth and introspection.

### Conclusion

Our engaging session with Kambria Davis left us inspired and with much to ponder about the power of openness to change, the importance of community, and the profound impact of aligning with the universe’s rhythms. It’s a testament to the beautiful journey of self-discovery and the endless possibilities that open up when we trust the path the universe lays out for us.

For those looking to dive deeper into the cosmic insights and explore the nurturing realm of Kaya Community, follow their incredible work at and stay tuned for their enlightening podcasts every Wednesday at 12:12 PM.

It’s clear that Kambria Davis’s journey and the birth of Kaya Kommunity are not just inspiring but also a beacon of hope and healing for many. It reminds us that sometimes, to find our true calling, we need to embrace the uncertainties of change, open our hearts, and trust the process.


00:00 Kicking Off with Excitement and Announcements
00:27 Spotlight on Kambria Davis and the Kaya kommunity
02:17 Diving into Women’s College Basketball Excitement
03:14 From Athletics to Life: The Impact of Sports
06:36 Kambria’s Journey: Retail to Real Estate to Energy Work
14:25 The Birth of Kaya Kommunity: A Vision of Healing
17:21 Finding Inspiration in Music and Creating a Healing Space
18:18 The Birth of Kaya: A Journey of Alignment and Discovery
19:16 The First Kaya Event: Embracing Feelings and Healing Together
20:33 Exploring Astrology and Personal Growth
24:06 Navigating Eclipse Season and Mercury Retrograde
31:42 Reflecting on the Cosmic Influence and Looking Ahead

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